Monday, July 28, 2008

Crazy Day

Highlight of insanely busy time that was today: Taking my niece, who turned 8 today, to see Kit Kittredge: An American Girl. One of those rare movies that is genuinely G-rated and entirely pleasant. Besides, I got one-on-one time with Ashley, who's getting too old for most toys anyway (We gave her a couple of the American Girl books, too). All in all, quite a treat!

Low point of today: Watching two adults, both apparently in their fifties, argue over a spot in line at Hobby Lobby (Hobby Lobby, folks! Not the soup kitchen!) The dialogue went something like this, as they migrated to a newly-opened register:
Man: Excuse me, I was ahead of you in line.
Woman: Mumble mumble [I think she said, "It's not that big a deal.")
Man: YES, it IS a big deal. I was here FIRST!
Woman: What an ass.
Man: No, YOU'RE an ass.

My jaw was literally hanging open. Had Mary Poppins been there, she'd have crisply intoned, "Close your mouth, Hannah; we are not a codfish." I honestly felt like planting myself in front of those people, particularly the man, and saying to them, "And what would your mama say if she could see you now?"

Silver lining of low point: I can congratulate myself for having successfully parented at least two of my young children past the maturity point of some adults out there. I think even Caroline could have given them a run for their money.


Jenny said...

I'm glad you were able to find a theater to see it in! Wasn't it a really nice movie?!

nicole said...

how was the film? i always have a soft spot in my heart for the American Girls series, as it was one of my faves when I was young (and when there were just 3 American Girl characters!)

Donna Baker said...

no kidding! calm down,'s like that out on the roads too you just can't hear the words!