Sunday, January 6, 2008

What a pair of (adjective) (plural noun)

So the kids (meaning Ian and Eliza, with agreeable laughter from Caroline) just got into Mad Libs yesterday. It actually made for a roaringly successful car activity, with me taking dictation from the front (and them getting grammar review sneaked into them). And it is abundantly clear to me that there is a universal Mad Libs phenomenon, and it starts really young. It's called, Let's Think of All The Grossest Words Mom will Allow Us to Use and then Use Them Over and Over and Over ...
So, our adjective repertoire includes (and seems to be limited to): stinky, smelly, bloody, and fat.

Some things never change!


Tim said...

you forgot 'fart' 'booger' and 'smelly,' which also featured prominently. Ha Ha!

Jenny said...

LOL! Please tell me your front seat Mad-Libs-directing was from the passenger seat rather than the driver's seat?? ;)

Tracee said...
