1. Find some way to make a difference in Haiti. If you need proof that this country, the poorest in the Western hemisphere, needed the world's fleeting attention long before an earthquake hit, see my review of Mountains Beyond Mountains. Chances are, you're already flooded with opportunities to help. We're donating shoes at a local dropoff center, and chose to donate financially here (where our donations will be matched and will be funneled through World Vision, a reputable Christian organization.)
2. Try something new. We're going to learn geocaching with friends and experts Donna and her husband John.
3. Teach a child to fingerknit. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. If I can do it, with the help of this excellent video, YOU CAN TOO. (This works especially well if you happen to have the kind of child who is quite sure that you can and should knit her a muff, from scratch, between the hours of 9:00 and 10:00 p.m.)
4. Read Pink and Say
to your elementary-aged children ... without weeping. I tried, and failed miserably. Perhaps you will enjoy greater success, but if
your heart isn't moved, you might consider donating it to the local gem and mineral society for display.
P.S. You don't have to do it ALL this weekend. After all, a person needs time for lazing around and consuming stacks of pumpkin pancakes. But there's no harm in trying!
Finger knitting, you don't say! My son's tiger, Marcel, is apparently complaining of being cold, so the kids are trying to finger knit a scarf for him. It is taking forever, so thanks for the inspiration!! We're off to see the video now :)
I know you went Geocaching. Had fun...hit me up when you are interested in going again!
I had forgotten all about fingerknitting - thanks for that blast from my past.
I can't wait to hear about geocatching!
You should also try geocaching's more primitive companion, letterboxing. It's quite the rage around here.
How'd you enjoy Geocaching? We haven't been in a while, thanks for the inspiration! :)
Hi Hannah,
I'm taking the dare challenge. Looking forward to doing something new this week. :)
I didn't do something new, but I did end up making the dress for my daughter I'd planned to make two years ago. I's autumn fabric (ginkgo, maple and oak leaves) and was purchased during her obsession with ginkgo leaves. She's older and taller now, so I had to make some adjustments to the original pattern, but now she can wear it tomorrow.
I do need to find some way to help out with Haiti. Thank you.
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