Just for example, this morning I read some of the New Testament first thing, then a bit of Kids Are Worth It!: Giving Your Child The Gift Of Inner Discipline
while attempting to dry my, uh, delicates with the blowdryer in the bathroom before breakfast, Book of John as a family at breakfast, then a chapter of Across Five Aprils
with Ian and Eliza (a stretch for them, but there's nothing wrong with that) midmorning, then a Cobble Street Cousins book called In Aunt Lucy's Kitchen
with the girls, followed by a bit of Henry and Mudge.
(A note on the CSC books: Caroline, age 4, grabbed one of these off the shelf off the library, and now we're hooked. I feel like this little series, written by award-winning author Cynthia Rylant and delightfully illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin, fills a niche for beginning-to-intermediate chapter readers that I find to be, sadly impoverished. Either that or heavily populated by book series which lean stylistically on The Sentence Fragment. Refraining ... from ... mentioning ... names (such as The Magic Treehouse (which I'm not mentioning)).)
But my original POINT was that, while I could probably read silently and aloud all day as the crumbs piled up around me, some of these young whippersnappers need ACTION. They need HANDS-ON. They need THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. Enter the Instant Challenge from Delightful Learning!
We did our third challenge today -- a Mouse House. Ian and Eliza worked as a team (she plays Watson to his Holmes), making a living/tea room for the imaginary mice, and Caroline, of course, did her own. Each Monday there's a new challenge, so if you have short people in the house, homeschoolers or not, to check them out.
(A note on the CSC books: Caroline, age 4, grabbed one of these off the shelf off the library, and now we're hooked. I feel like this little series, written by award-winning author Cynthia Rylant and delightfully illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin, fills a niche for beginning-to-intermediate chapter readers that I find to be, sadly impoverished. Either that or heavily populated by book series which lean stylistically on The Sentence Fragment. Refraining ... from ... mentioning ... names (such as The Magic Treehouse (which I'm not mentioning)).)
But my original POINT was that, while I could probably read silently and aloud all day as the crumbs piled up around me, some of these young whippersnappers need ACTION. They need HANDS-ON. They need THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. Enter the Instant Challenge from Delightful Learning!
We did our third challenge today -- a Mouse House. Ian and Eliza worked as a team (she plays Watson to his Holmes), making a living/tea room for the imaginary mice, and Caroline, of course, did her own. Each Monday there's a new challenge, so if you have short people in the house, homeschoolers or not, to check them out.
I just learned from Vanessa's blog that commenting is a part of a good blog reader's job. So, I decided to take this opportunity to let you know that you have been part of the reason I've taken up reading again. I used to read a lot, but after college and FTTA, fell out of the habit. The first book that reminded me how much I love to read was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, loaned to my by dearest Kristen. Then, your reminder about what a great (free) resource the public library is propelled me to visit the library that is 3 minutes away from me, get a card and now I am in looove. The last 2 books that I read were your recommendations - The Kite Runner and Same Kind of Different as Me. Both wonderful, great, fabulous books, especially the second. So, thank you for sharing and helping to re-kindle the love for reading. And like I told Vanessa, I am going to try to be a good reader and post a few more comments.
Hey Amy! Thanks for de-lurking. :-) So glad to hear you're enjoying reading, and that we share a few favorites. Isn't the library (and its online request system) the best?
Keep those comments coming!
I simply don't know what I'd do without your blog:) As a newbie to homeschooling, I'm just dipping my toes into the homeschooling pool, which seemed icy at first because of the seemingly hard to find home school community here in Florida, but promises to warm up once I dive in:) My four year old and I just attended our first co-op today, with 7 month old in tow, and I now know what you meant by co-op in your blogs...it was a good experience. As always, thank you for all the wonderful info!
Hannah, I love the living/tea room! Are those little paper clip chairs? So cute! I hope you don't mind that I added your link to the challenge. So happy to have you participating! *Ü*
We need more art in our schooling, too. I keep letting it slide after they accomplish their other stuff because if they aren't interested at that point, then neither am I. Still. It needs to be experienced. Ugh...
I agree that Mom needs to read also! Coming by to see your Instant Challenge-I like the little cotton chair/bed. Very cute.
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