On stage: hero and heroine kiss, locked in embrace
Ian, in stage whisper: Ewwwww. Gross.
Boy next to him, who's already seen the show, in louder stage whisper: Don't worry. It's a FAKE kiss.
So, we've been vacating, pretty hardcore. As in, we've been on a very short vacation with Tim's family to their timeshare resort in San Antonio, a 2-hour hop down the road from here. This time, along the way we stopped at Cabela's in Buda. Do y'all know about this? I'm thinking so, since even my mother has heard of Cabela's, and let's just say that, her many virtues notwithstanding, she's not exactly a pop culture maven (nor is there a Cabela's anywhere near the town of Wilton, CT, where she grew up). Anyway, in case you don't know, I would describe Cabela's as a place where Davy Crockett and Charlton Heston would meet for a wild boar sandwich and a beer. Think REI, but on testosterone. We don't just become one with nature, we bring home the carcass in the back of our pickup truck. Think industrial-size meat grinders for sale.
But all in all, it's a cool place with plenty of eye candy for anyone with even the slightest appreciation for taxidermy. Or anyone with kids. Check out this giant manmade mountain, resplendent with stuffed wildlife and the only autumn-colored maple leaves you'll see within 100 miles of Austin.
There was a real trout pond, too, and a walk-through aquarium, and a shooting gallery, and a cafe where my son literally ate a wild boar sandwich. Won't try an apple, of course, but wild boar? Bring it on.
So then, we were in San Antonio at the resort, where we've all perfected the art of relaxation. It's called, do what the kids want to do. Which is basically, swim, ride the lazy river, build sand castles, hunt for golf balls after dinner, and play cards. What's not to love about that? They're all at age now where they're just fun to play with, including my 15-year-old niece and Tim's 17-year-old cousin, who plays a mean game of B.S. (That stands for Baloney Sandwich, Mom and Dad. ;-) Also known as I Doubt It. It's a card game.)
Okay, this borders on shameful gloating, but I have to tell you that because my in-laws basically rock, and think there's no more important job than parenting their grandchildren, it was arranged for my MIL, SIL, and self to spend an afternoon getting massages and lolling around the spa at the Hyatt Regency resort next door.
It was HEAVEN. And guess what? When I was thanking my MIL as we floated on out of there, her comment was, "Well, you both work hard raising my grandchildren, and you certainly deserve it." Whoa dog! OK, you know how as a mom, you sort of LONG for those words to be spoken to you? You just get used to doing your thing, day after day, and knowing that no one's going to hand you an award for it? Last I checked, there was no Phi Beta Kappa of motherhood. There are times, actually, when I've wanted to squawk at the kiddos at a moment of particular lack in their appreciation toward me, "I used to be SMART, you know! People LIKED me! I graduated from college with HIGHEST HONORS and then had a boss who told me, often, that I was GOOD AT STUFF!" (But I don't really say that because, you know, I'm MUCH too mature for that.) I'm learning, though, bit by bit, to do what I do unto the Lord and let His smile be my reward. How sweet it is to be loved and accepted by One to whom achievements mean nothing. But once in a while, it's REALLY nice to have someone (besides my husband) notice. And it's REALLY REALLY nice when it's not Mother's Day and Hallmark isn't giving the big nudge.
Baloney sandwich, huh? Hmmm...I remember that game having a different name...
Thanks, Hannah. Your comments brought tears to my eyes.... And we did have fun, didn't we?
Bless you.
Love, MIL
What fun, cabelas!
And treated to massages!
Oh yah!
Ditto to Jenny's comment. . .baloney sandwich?
Sounds like a great trip, especially since you got a nice pat on the back from your MIL. I covet a luxury massage!
sweet! I resemble your MIL's remarks...your posts OFTEN bring tears to my eyes. You remind me how blessed I am to have had a great mom (and now DMILS)! Glad you had a wonderful time-you DO deserve it!
Ummmm yeah..can you please post that last part on someone noticing how much mom's do without it being mothers day...in blazing lights say on the top of the empire state building? Too much? ok, can we work with mass emails over the net?:) I loved this post in so many ways! I can empathize with the graduating from college with honors (not the highest..but honors none the less:)..and having a career and then being a stay at home mom..which is even harder but SOOOO much more rewarding and worth it..but many people seem to thing SAHM sit around eating bon bons and watching soaps and it's not AT ALL frusturating!:) Okay..I'm done venting:) Sorry..got a little carried away there..But it was a wonderful story and God bless your mother in law!
You have a way with words, dear SIL! It was wonderful to get to relax and to be TOLD we're appreciated. We had a great time and it was over WAAAAAAAY too soon.
I love how you can put your emotions into words and make us feel them. :)
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