I am away from the manor right now visiting this person:

and this person:

and this person (snowed under by first week in law school, but with enough spare mental acuity to whip us all soundly at Bananagrams):

and this person, wife of above and the one responsible for those three photos.

We are pushing off for the happy isles, i.e. here today. Wheelchair-friendly venues are very dear to our hearts. Plus, did I mention it is 73 degrees here? Apparently there are places on earth -- in this country, even! -- where September heralds the advent of something called FALL. Which is to say, AUTUMN. Who knew?
Tell them all I said hi :)
Have a great time!
Anytime you need a break from the Texas weather, feel free to come visit us in Holland--where the leaves start falling the last day of August and the high today was in the fifties!
Rats. When I first saw your title, I thought a cold front had moved in while I sat in my office.
Still in the 90s. [sigh]
Have a great time! I'll turn my fan on high tonight, close my eyes, and pretend I'm there with you.
Hi to your parents. :)
What in the world is bananagrams? LOL
I've never heard of bananagrams either, but anything with a name like bananagrams has got to be fun. Bananagrams. Bananagrams. Fun to type, too.
Lovely photos of the parents. As you enjoy the wonderful weather in Bostonland, you all missed an INCREDIBLE rain storm yesterday evening. Ian would have loved to see the lightning strike and the thunder roll! It was a sight. Give crazy Betty a big hug for me!
AAaaah fall...fall does not visit Florida until December and how I miss those crisp cool breezes beckoning us outside to liven our stuck-in-the-air-conditioning bodies!
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