Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Viva Mexico!

Friends. I'm excited, yet almost disbelieving. Tomorrow we are going here. To this lovely resort on the Riviera Maya in Mexico, in a little village not too far, but far enough, from Cancún. All five of us. Because getting through grad school was certainly a team effort.

I've thought about posting a couple quickies during the trip, or afterward, but would that be a desirable thing to my dear readers, or would that be shameless, tacky gloating?

Anyhoo. The number of details to attend to in anticipation of even one week abroad can be unnerving. Without my little checklist, I'm sunk. The brain, it actually starts to buzz. Sparks spew from the ears.

I like Caroline's approach. Just sit yourself down with some paper, a marker and shiny Scotch tape and make yourself an iPhone, complete with some kid games and a calculator. That must be the ticket because I don't see HER scurrying around crossing off lists and running oodles of errands. Of course, she'd better start to scurry because any moment now, I'm going to eat her right up.


Raji P. said...

Bon Voyage! We are already jealous, you don't need to send us updates to that end. Have a most wonderful and fabulous and relaxing (and romantic, yeah, uh huh, with 3 kids) vacation!!

Vanessa said...

Have fun! Don't sweat the small stuff :)

~cjoy said...

Have a lovely, well-deserved, hard-earned time! I cannot wait to hear all about it. Now or later. Just have a blast. :)

Tracee said...

Please gloat away, let me live vicariously through you!! LOL Congrats again on the team effort for Tim's PhD!

Tamara said...

Hope you're having/had a wonderful time in Mexico! Congratulation to Tim and all of you for finally reaching this point! I don't know if Ian reads G.A. Henty books yet (or ever will), but "By Right of Conquest" (aka "With Cortez in Mexico") is an exciting and accurate overview of some of Mexico's history. Of the Henty books I've read, it's one of my favorites.

Era said...

Disfrute de sus vacaciones!

em said...

i want to eat her up! the adorable caroline & her iPhone. too too cute!