Because I have the sewing skills of, like, an octopus, I was super happy to discover this recipe for super easy, super cheap, and -- according to my child-size models -- super stylin' -- bandana pants.
Eliza got the first pair. Total cost of materials: $2.00. Total time: 45 minutes.
Ian became mildly jealous and requested a pair. You got it, buddy.
(Caroline is still waiting for hers.)
So then my niece really, really wanted a pair. And she's about a size 12. So I started pinning about three hours before her birthday party, and realized I needed to run to Hobby Lobby and buy a third bandana. Of course, HL was out of that particular pattern, and I decided to kick things up a notch and go for a combo of fuschia/white polka dots and yellow bandana print (cooler than it sounds, I promise). I hurried home, washed it out in the sink, threw in the dryer for preshrinkage, and began hastily cutting and sewing, not really pausing to consult the directions on how much of a, um, crotch to cut out (yikes, that sounds like it belongs on another kind of blog). Got all the stitching done save the elastic waist, held up the shorts, and ... PERFECT!
... for an Oompa Loompa with saddle sores, that is.
If only I had a photo of this particular masterpiece. Or a photo of me rolling on the floor laughing at the sight.
I think we'll be sticking to the basics from now on.
Now go forth and sew!
Inspirational!! Either those are mighty big bandanas, bigger than any I have ever seen in my life, or you have miniature kids!
Nope, Raji, they're regular size bandanas. I do have skinny kids, but the pattern is for sizes 3-9.
You don't think that maybe of octopuses (octopi?) could sew that they'd be really good at it?
I totally want to try this.
Thanks for the belly laugh...
those are SO cool!!!
Hey, I made some bandana pants for my Calvin on the 4th of July! I was so happy with how fast they were. He looked like such a little hippy child, and I was very very content.
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