20. Yelp.com -- there when I needed a plumber recommendation this morning, sparing me a stab in the dark with the yellow pages. In case you didn't see my note on Facebook: Don't put potato peelings down your disposal. That's why we have compost piles. Surely you have better things to do with $155 than summon a plumber. So did I, I thought.
21. The New York Times crossword puzzle, a terrific tool for preventing brain freeze. In high school, my friend Amelia got me hooked, and we did a puzzle together nearly every day of our senior year. I petered out some time after college, but watching Wordplay
from Netflix this weekend reawakened the passion. Any other puzzle fiends out there?
22. My friend Amelia. (See #21.)
23. Forgiveness. New starts every morning. Yesterday: epic motherhood FAIL. Apologizing to the kids is rough, no? That slice of humble pie sure is bittersweet. They forgive so easily, though, and we're all the better for it.
24. My husband, for taking time out of work to help Ian's den members earn their Scientist badges. That's two Mondays of lesson plans and experiments, and six antsy boys. Darling, you were riveting.
25. The mess of scooters strewn around my driveway. We may not have the tidiest yard on the block, but we have a blockful of kids who love to ride. Where there is life, there is mess.
26. My in-laws -- i.e., the people who raised #24. Not to make it all about me, but one particular thing that endears them is they're huge supporters of my writing. (In fact, they're huge supporters, period. Among their son, daughter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law, they have four very different personalities and two widely variant family styles in the mix, and they cheer us all on as equally as humanly possible.) Latest example: Yesterday they called me to say they were driving home from Lillian Farms, where they'd gone for the night based on my recommendation.
27. My friend Stephanie, who was ready at the spur of the moment with her boy to accompany us to a book party for Jeff Kinney of Diary of a Wimpy Kid
fame. They made the long wait for an autograph much more bearable. (P.S. I'm a big fan of taking kids to meet authors in person. Who knows when inspiration may strike?)
(Ian with the main actors from the DWK movie)
28. Stores that are brave enough to hold off on Christmas decorations and soundtracks until AFTER Thanksgiving. If they still exist.
29. Operation Christmas Child, for giving my kids a yearly opportunity to learn the value of giving and expecting nothing in return.
30. Hymns that steal into your heart and head and stay there.
31. A daughter who appreciates my taste in books. We just started The Saturdays (Melendy Quartet)
, a childhood favorite of mine. She's lapping it up like a kindred spirit. This heart's warmed. 
I love the image of #25 ! ride on!!
Amen for #23 new starts every morning!
#30. . .I"m thankful for that too.
I love this multitude Monday thing you've got going on. It always inspires me to look around me and realize how very many things we have to be thankful for. I appreciate the reminder.
So funny, when I got to #27 it took me a second to realize, oh hey - that's me! It was worth the time spent. Jared was thrilled. Thanks for letting us know about it.
OMG, my kids can't believe Ian got to meet "Greg" and "Rowley"!! I showed them the photo and they were duly impressed. ;)
I'm with Jenny'skids - I can't believe he met Greg and Rowley!!! How cool is that!?!?
I'm thankful for you too! And for your blog that reminds me how we all can struggle in similar ways (see Multitude Monday #17) and reminds to find the joy around me when I have gotten stuck focusing on the frustrations.
Also... I still do the NYT puzzle every day (or sometimes a bunch at a time) and I saw WordPlay on my 2nd date with Mike ....4 years ago.
Thanks for making me smile!
#29 is a big one in our household as well..happy thanksgiving!
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