32. My daughter Caroline, who turned FIVE on Saturday. It's official, y'all: my baby is no longer a baby. She's a girl who's growing up fast -- too fast, sometimes. She wishes I'd buy her a bikini, can't wait to get her ears pierced, and can't decide which of three "boyfriends" she's going to marry someday (but she's praying about it). Lordhelpme.
Of course, as we gathered with the family on Saturday, the adults of us felt an extra measure of gratitude squeezing our hearts. This day so easily could have been one of painful memories and bitter tears. I still think about how we almost lost her, still relive moments from that day, every single day. Does that sound excessive? If you've lived through something like this, you understand -- how the twin stamps of grief and gratitude leave you never quite the same.
But here she is! She may embarrass me at times with her feistiness (yet I know she'll never be taken advantage of), but I wouldn't trade her craft-loving, mood-swinging, phonetic-spelling, night-snuggling, beauty-adoring, lovenote-writing, self for all the tea in China.
This is a stand-alone item today, friends. It just feels weird to add anything else on. May your blessings be abundant this Thanksgiving!
Thank you Lord for Caroline!
Happy, wonderful birthday, Caroline! We must all be indeed thankful. Beautiful post, beautiful daughter.
Tears welling up. We love her and we love you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Truly one of the happiest birthdays ever......I know you're savoring every moment, and rightfully so! :)
Happy birthday to your littlest one! I'm sure it feels like the years have flown by. And as for that harrowing event - I read your post and was filled with such gratitude that all turned out well. I can well imagine how that would stamp your heart for life!
I just cried reading this. The pictures capture her so well. Happy birthday Caroline. . .you glamorous child!
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