This week's
Time magazine arrived on Saturday, and it's chock full of Top 10 Lists. A pithy way to sum up 2008, wouldn't you say? So, entering into the spirit of things, I give you ...
Top Ten Things We Did This Weekend (It's RIVETING! Really!)
In no particular order ...
1. Slept over at my in-laws' house out in Elgin. This was so we could execute the next item in a timely fashion (e.g. at 9:00 a.m., when our family is rarely seen in public).
2. Helped my sis and her hubby move all their stuff out of my in-laws' storage trailer and into the back of their truck and the attached trailer. They bought a house on Friday (woohoo!) and spent the weekend moving. We tried to lend a hand but in truth, it was probably more like lending a pinky on the grand scale of things.
3. Watched the last four episodes of LOST: Season 1. Ohmygosh I will just confess here and now before these witnesses that I am borderline addicted to this show. These characters are just so real that I stop just short of praying for them. :-) Tim will be drifting off to sleep and I'll nudge him: "But why do you think Kate's mom was so upset to see her at the hospital in the first place? And do you think Sawyer is going to tell Jack that he met Jack's dad in Sydney and his dad said all those good things about him? Huh? And what about that hatch????
Are you listening to me?" Nice.
4. Attended wedding of Kim McCartney and David Allen. Funny highlight: the bride did not appear until at least ten minutes after the ceremony began. Serious highlight: the wedding vows.
In sickness and in health, for better or for worse ... Never fails to choke me up.
5. Saw old friends from our church family in South Carolina, here for the wedding.
6. Attended church meeting and enjoyed the Lord Jesus. Yes, dear Lord, You're much better than LOST.
7. Denied Yankee tendencies ("why pay money for a gadget when a little elbow grease is all you need?"), broke down and bought a leaf blower, rather than massacre my gardens with the rake. Blew, raked, swept, pushed wheelbarrow, watched hubby run the shredder. Good times.
8. Took Eliza shopping at two different Targets for a present for Ian. This is not my favoritest of ways to spend quality time with my daughter, but for her, it's golden. She was blowing kisses at me from the back seat, clutching her little pink purse.
9. Worked on Certain Homemade Gift for Certain Family Members, which requires HOURS of computer time. Please, please, please,
Artscow, get it here on time.
10. Attended neighbors' Christmas party, at which we a) read the story aloud from the New Testament, b) sang REAL carols, none of this Santa-Baby business, thankyouverymuch, and c) saw our mailman. Yes. They invited the mailman to the party. And he came. The kids were thrilled. But slightly aghast at his appearing in civilian clothes. With his WIFE. In a REGULAR CAR! Can you imagine? As my brother would say, "That ain't right."