Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birthday Boy

Does anyone else notice their blood-and-flesh, maybe the under-18ers among them, getting a little, oh, cranky right around the time of their birthdays? As if these massive emotional clouds of excitement, anticipation, anxiety, anticlimax, self-centeredness, etc., just sort of collide and produce some summer lightning? Maybe a thunder roll or two? Like, on an annual basis?

Just checking.

So, on a totally unrelated note, yesterday Ian turned nine! Boy oh boy, this means that I have been a momma for nine years, too. At times, I find it hard to fathom a time that this was not the case (you mean I once drove a sporty Saturn? I slept in past seven thirty on Saturdays? Get outta town!), while at others, I almost feel like I'm still playing house, parading around in my Mommy costume. Any moment now someone's going to discover me for the impostor I am and replace me with a Real Mommy, someone who's never caught in public without wet wipes.

But in honor of the child who first made me a mother, here you go. I'm proud of his first place finish in the 12-and-under division of the tournament, of course. But what matters more to me is hearing him turn to his friend, a rank beginner who was heartbreakingly sporting about missing almost every target, and exclaim, "T, we are going to practice practice practice at my house from now on. Because I want you to be really good at this!"

(Template from Elemental Scraps; paper from Shabby Princess "Happy Go Lucky.")


Eclectic Mama said...

First place! Wow! So cool!

Happy birthday, Ian! Thank you for letting us share in your celebration, and thanks for making it so memorable for my son.

Jenny said...

Happy 9th birthday, Ian! (How did our kids get so big?? Weren't they toddling around just a few weeks ago?)

Love the page! Very clean and uncluttered, which works well with the photos. Yay!

Barb Matijevich said...

I usually get horrid, awful, no-good behavior three weeks before and three after. Or maybe four before and two after. But I can count of six weeks of thinking, "She must be coming down with something. There's no way this is normal."

(I wish I could tell you that I haven't taken my kids to the doctor for bad behavior but I can't. And apparently, I will never learn.)

Donna Baker said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Ian! Congratulations on the archery, wow! I love your digital page of pics!!