In hot pursuit of a birthday gift for one of our favorite people, my children and I (yes, reunited) visited
Anthropologie in downtown Austin. I don't think I'm merely projecting my own feelings upon the situation when I say that this store is right up her alley. We spent most of our time in the kitchen section.
Eliza, my budding young photojournalist, wandering around a bit, after being allowed to select her very own snack dish (a.k.a. latte cup) of a different hue than that of her siblings, documenting the experience:
Love it, love it, love it. Love it all. All too funny!
Just wanted to let you know that I have really been enjoying reading your blog. Kristen has been alerting me to the funny stories. Your kids are too precious not to mention hysterical! Thanks for sharing!
Clearly, all robbers smoke cigarettes!
Ha ha, I love Anthropologie! Cute stuff, but Ian is right, millionaire is close. :) I love Eliza's photos!
Eliza took those?! They're wonderful! The lower perspective is great! And, your kids are more entertaining than TV :-)
LOL! I totally relate to the black-and-white thinking in my oldest, too. :)
LOL! That's my new line for those who speed down I-35. . ."They must smoke cigarettes!"
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