Thursday, January 29, 2009

Artist at work

It's pretty rewarding to do artsy craftsy things with Caroline, because she just takes the idea and zoom! Blink and you'll miss 'er! Take this afternoon, for example. We started making hedgehogs out of chocolate-scented playdough and cut-up straws (couldn't find the toothpick box). I believe googly eyes were also involved.

Five minutes into it my mom called, so I ended up chatting with her for a while. She inquired about the difference between hedgehogs and porcupines. Would you like to know? We Googled it, of course. Hedgehogs have smooth quills; porcs have barbed ones.

But anyway. As my mom and I dished about this and that, Caroline quietly worked away. She finished her hedgehogs, and then very methodically moved on to another kind of chocolate playdough sculpture. A volcano, perhaps, with straws for molten lava. Then, a little later: a 3D collage. Lump of playdough and four pompoms affixed to a brown paper shopping bag (would you call that upcycling?) with plenteous Elmer's glue.

I would love to share pictures with you, but I bear sad tidings: the camera is on the blink. Temporarily, I hope, but the only handy person in the house hasn't had the time to devote to it. This is majorly cramping my style, not to mention my progress on Project 365.

That's the bad news. The good news is that Ian was awarded a full tuition scholarship for the theater class (see previous post). Hip hip hurray for multicolored fonts!!!


Jenny said...

Yay for Ian!

Tracee said...

Woohoo to Ian! Awesome job! And good for you mom, for believing in your child's words and not substituting your own, as i may have done if i had been in your shoes. LOL

Tamara said...

I agree with Tracee about being impressed with you for believing in Ian's words. I think many a mom would have "helped" or at least edited their child's letter. Anyway, I'm glad he got it, and he's awesome for doing every letter in a different color :-) And yay for Caroline with her gusto for crafts!

Samuel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samuel said...

I was using Sam's account, and realized it after I posted, so that is why there is a deleted comment.

Anyway, congratulations to Ian! Hip, hip hooray! It must have been those multicolored fonts he used. . .

Sorry to hear about your camera. I would lend you one of our three, but alas, two of them are on the fritz.

Samuel said...

Ugh, I didn't change the user. It's me, Vanessa.